8 Facts About Technology

8 Facts About Technology

Beings have done prodigies with the progress of technology in the last century. Technology has put spectacular tools and coffers in our hands to make our lives ever so accessible. 

As fascinating as these specialised prodigies feel at the moment, the stories behind them are indeed more intriguing. Then there are ten amazing little-given facts about the technology we all use nearly every day.

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Do you know??

QWERTY was designed to slow you down. 

There are actually two propositions to this. The first one starts to make sense when you look at homemade typewriters. However, the keys would jam if someone compartmented too fast. QWERTY placed common rudiments at a distance from each other and broke typists down.  Another proposition is that telegraph drivers designed the QWERTY layout because it was easier (and briskly) to decrypt Morse code. 

92 per cent of the world's currency is digital. 

This means that most of the wealth you earn, distribute, use to buy goods and services, and so on exists only on computers and hard drives. Only about 8% of currency is physical plutocrat, according to encyclopedia. All of the black piles of plutocrats come from this 8%. This is a reasonable estimate on which economists can agree; however, it is not an exact figure. This low chance seems absurd, but when you stop to think, it makes sense considering that most large deals are done electronically anyway.

QWERTY vs ABC Layouts are in Advanced Graphing Calculators.

Before smartphones, there was a time when digital journals and advanced calculators were popular. They could be used to store simple forms of data and to perform computations that scholars could use while working discriminational equations piecemeal from algebra and maths capabilities. 

Wikipedia is maintained by thousands of bots.

most of which are apprehensive about what Wikipedia is. It's a vast collection of crowd-sourced information available online. Today, there are 2468 bot tasks approved to carry out conservation jobs on more than 52 million English Wikipedia runners. Wikipedia bots perform operations similar to new runner creation, spelling correction, style correction, etc. 

Domain names were free in 1995.

Prior to 1995, registering domain names was free; however, the US National Science Foundation granted permission for companies to charge for enrollment for the first time during that year. 

There’s a website that tells you the age of the internet. 

The website, howoldistheinter.net, counts down the internet’s age. It includes an internet timeline of events similar to the birth in 1989, the release of Linux in 1991, the first Microsoft Windows cybersurfer in 1993, the first live sluice in 1993, the first banner announcement in 1994, the first major online leak in 1999, etc.

Nokia used to vend restroom paper 

piecemeal from mobile phones. They also manufactured other particulars like restroom paper, tires, computers, lines, rubber thrills, and boxes. Nokia started as a single paper shop operation in 1865. 

The first invention of the computer mouse  was made from wood. 

The veritably first computer mouse was made by Doug Engelbart in 1964 from wood and was blockish in shape. 

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